Our Full Range of Comprehensive Primary Care Services

Hypertension Specialist
Treken Primary Care
Primary Care Practice and Family Medicine Located in Atlanta, GA
If you’re one of the almost 78 million Americans with hypertension (high blood pressure), it’s important to get the support and care you need now. Untreated, hypertension can cause stroke, heart attack, and even death. The friendly team at Treken Primary Care in Atlanta, Georgia can help you manage your blood pressure, so don’t hesitate to book your appointment by phone.
Hypertension Q&A
Hypertension is a chronic condition in which your arterial blood pressure is too high. There are two factors that determine your blood pressure: the quantity of blood your heart pumps and how much your arteries resist blood flow.
If you have narrowed arteries, a common effect of plaque buildup from atherosclerosis, it forces your heart to pump harder. This raises your blood pressure.
Your blood pressure reading has two numbers: systolic and diastolic. The systolic number on top reflects your blood pressure when your heart muscle contracts. The diastolic number on the bottom reflects your blood pressure when your heart muscle is at rest.
Normal Blood Pressure
Normal blood pressure is less than 120 systolic and less than 80 diastolic, so a reading of 119/79 or lower is ideal.
Elevated Blood Pressure
Elevated blood pressure is generally considered prehypertension. If you have elevated blood pressure, your systolic blood pressure is in the 120-129 range and your diastolic blood pressure is less than 80.
Stage 1 Hypertension
In stage 1 hypertension, your systolic blood pressure is 130-139 and/or your diastolic blood pressure is 80-89.
Stage 2 Hypertension
In stage 2 hypertension, your systolic blood pressure is 140 or higher and/or your diastolic blood pressure is 90 or higher.
Your Treken Primary Care provider can help you understand your blood pressure reading and what it means for your health.
A single high blood pressure reading doesn't automatically mean you have hypertension. Your blood pressure can fluctuate according to the time of day, and your stress level can contribute too. In fact, some patients have "white coat hypertension," which means their blood pressure goes up when they’re in the office because of anxiety about seeing the doctor.
Your practitioner at Treken Primary Care takes your blood pressure reading several times, usually over several different appointments, before making a diagnosis.
Lifestyle changes are crucial when it comes to hypertension management. Your Treken Primary Care provider helps you implement changes such as:
- Losing Extra Weight
- Eating a Heart-Healthy Diet
- Getting Regular Exercise
- Reducing Alcohol Consumption
Often, lifestyle changes are enough to manage your blood pressure. But if your provider feels it’s necessary, they can prescribe appropriate hypertension medications.
Following your customized treatment plan helps you avoid serious consequences of hypertension, such as stroke, heart failure, heart attack, and kidney disease.
Book your appointment at Treken Primary Care by phone or through the online scheduler.
Diabetes Specialist
Treken Primary Care
Primary Care Practice and Family Medicine Located in Atlanta, GA
It’s estimated that almost 9% of Americans now have diabetes and many are undiagnosed. At Treken Primary Care in Atlanta, Georgia, the dedicated medical care team can diagnose and monitor diabetes. They’re also ready to help you tightly control your condition with a customized multipronged approach including exercise, nutrition, and medication - if it’s needed. Call the office to make your appointment now.

Diabetes Q&A
Diabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose (also known as blood sugar) level is too high. The pancreas makes insulin, a hormone that helps shuttle the glucose from your bloodstream into your cells, where it can be used for energy.
But when you have diabetes, you either don’t make insulin or your body can’t effectively use the insulin you do have. That leads to glucose accumulating in your bloodstream instead of being transported into your cells.
Type 1 diabetes is typically present from an early age — usually childhood and less commonly young adulthood. If you have type 1 diabetes, your body doesn’t produce insulin. Although you can’t prevent type 1 diabetes, you can manage it effectively if you work closely with your Treken Primary Care providers.
Type 2 diabetes, the type that affects 90-95% of diabetes sufferers, can develop at any age but generally starts in adulthood. If you have type 2 diabetes, your pancreas produces insulin but it’s either not enough insulin or your body doesn’t use it properly.
If your blood sugar levels indicate that you’re prediabetic, you can prevent the development of full-blown type 2 diabetes by making positive lifestyle changes.
Prediabetes means you have high blood glucose, but it’s not at a high enough level to diagnose diabetes. Prediabetes risk factors include:
- Being Overweight or Obese
- Hypertension
- Family History of Diabetes
- High Cholesterol
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Being African American, Latin American, Asian/Pacific Islander, or Native American also puts you at a higher risk for developing diabetes.
If you have prediabetes, your Treken Primary Care team can help you make lifestyle changes to avoid having your condition progress to diabetes.
Diabetes treatment is customized for you, and usually, a combination approach works best. If you have type 1 diabetes, you need insulin through injections or an insulin pump. If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, you might not need medication and may be able to manage your blood sugar with diet. But some type 2 diabetes sufferers do need oral medication or insulin.
With both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it’s very important to control the factors that you can. Your Treken Primary Care providers can help you with improved nutrition, an exercise program, and weight loss, if needed. By taking charge of your health now, you can enjoy a long life, even if you have diabetes.
Book your appointment for diabetes management at Treken Primary Care now using the online scheduler or by calling the office.

Heart Disease
Heart Disease Specialist
Treken Primary Care
Primary Care Practice and Family Medicine Located in Atlanta, GA
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans today. But with the help of the Treken Primary Care team in Atlanta, Georgia, you can get a full evaluation of your risk factors, get an early diagnosis, and receive preventive care to help you avoid severe heart problems. The team also provides expert care and management of existing heart disease. Call the office to book your appointment anytime.
Heart Disease Q&A
Heart disease, or cardiovascular disease, encompasses a range of medical conditions that affect your heart and blood vessels. The most common form of heart disease in the United States is coronary artery disease, which decreases blood flow to your heart.
Other types of heart disease include the following:
- Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Arrhythmia
- High Cholesterol
- Congenital Heart Defects
- Heart Failure
Many factors, including your lifestyle, family history, and age can increase your risk of developing heart disease. Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can also increase your risk.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost half of Americans have at least one of the following three key risk factors for heart disease:
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Smoking
Aside from these top conditions, several lifestyle choices can make you more susceptible to developing heart disease, such as:
- Eating an Unhealthy Diet
- Lack of Exercise and Physical Activity
- Being Overweight or Obese
- Excessive Alcohol Use
- Chewing and Smoking Tobacco
- Exposure to Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
Since early detection is key, the team at Treken Primary Care practices preventive medicine by screening for early signs of heart disease during routine checkups. This may include monitoring your blood pressure, taking blood tests, or recording your heart activity with an electrocardiogram (EKG).
If you have heart disease, the providers at Treken Primary Care work with you to create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific condition.
Many types of heart disease improve with lifestyle changes, such as:
- Eating Healthy Foods
- Getting Regular Exercise
- Quitting Smoking
- Reducing Your Alcohol Consumption
If your condition is severe or doesn’t improve with lifestyle changes, the team at Treken Primary Care may prescribe medications to manage your heart disease.
If you suspect you’re at risk for heart disease, don’t hesitate to get treatment. Call Treken Primary Care or book an appointment online today.
Women's Health
Women's Health Specialist
Treken Primary Care
Primary Care Practice and Family Medicine Located in Atlanta, GA
The team at Treken Primary Care provides comprehensive women’s health care for ladies in the Atlanta, Georgia area. You can trust your providers for discreet and compassionate care, including pelvic exams, clinical breast exams, and referrals for mammograms. Call the office to book your women’s health visit today.

Women's Health Q&A
Women’s health exams generally focus on your reproductive system but can include whole-body health as well. Every women’s health exam includes a pelvic exam and a clinical breast exam. The pelvic exam evaluates your reproductive organs and external genitalia, and the clinical breast exam checks for lumps or other irregularities in your breasts.
Depending on your age and health, you might also need a Pap smear or a mammogram as part of your comprehensive women’s health exam.
Pap Smear
A Pap smear is a quick test in which your care provider scrapes a small sample of cells from the lining of your cervix. The cells are sent to the lab to check for abnormal cells. A Pap smear identifies abnormal cells early so you can potentially avoid cervical cancer.
A mammogram is an imaging test of your breast tissue. While your Treken Primary Care provider performs a clinical breast exam by gently palpating your breast tissue, the imaging test can find the lumps or tissue irregularities that are difficult to feel. By identifying potential breast cancer early, your chances of treating it successfully are much better.
Your Treken Primary Care provider tailors your women’s health exam specifically to you, so the visit could also include a discussion about birth control or STD testing. If you’re thinking of trying to get pregnant, your provider can discuss nutrition and other lifestyle modifications to help you have a healthy pregnancy.
It depends on your age, health, history of cervical cancer, and other factors. While some women have a Pap smear every year, you might have as much as three to five years between Pap smears depending on your particular situation. Your Treken Primary Care provider recommends a schedule that’s ideal for you.
It depends on your specific needs. Your Treken Primary Care practitioner counsels you regarding a good starting point. Usually, most women start screening at age 40-45, but you could potentially need to start earlier if you have a family history of breast cancer.
For a women’s health care exam delivered with compassion, call Treken Primary Care or use the online booking tool to make your appointment.

Wellness Specialist
Treken Primary Care
Primary Care Practice and Family Medicine Located in Atlanta, GA
At Treken Primary Care in Atlanta, Georgia, your whole-body wellness comes first. The experienced health care providers combine traditional western and holistic medicine to help you reach your peak state of wellness. From weight management to exercise guidance to lifestyle modifications, the Treken team creates a customized wellness plan for you. Book an appointment by phone today.
Wellness Q&A
The team at Treken Primary care recommends annual wellness checkups as an excellent way to address your health concerns and learn more about whole-body health. Yearly checkups are an important part of wellness care because your provider helps you take steps to prevent serious health problems before they develop as well as to address any existing health problems.
Depending on your unique situation, your Treken Primary Care provider might recommend more frequent checkups.
Your wellness checkups at Treken Primary Care are customized to address your needs. When you arrive for a wellness visit, your provider talks with you about what’s been going on with your health reviews any symptoms you’ve been having and answers your questions. They perform a physical exam and compare the results to your most recent visits to keep track of changes.
Some of the many services covered in wellness visits can include:
Weight Management
If you’re overweight or struggle to keep your weight stable, the Treken Primary Care providers can customize a weight management plan for you. This includes specific nutritional guidance and exercise recommendations to help you lose weight. If you need to gain weight, they can help you do so in a healthy manner.
Lifestyle Modifications
If you’re suffering from chronic fatigue, insomnia, or other problems directly related to your habits and routines, lifestyle modifications can help. The Treken Primary Care team expertly evaluates your current habits to identify where you may need to make some changes. For example, having more consistent bedtime and not using your phone or other screens right before bed are two of the many things that could improve your sleep habits.
Weight management and lifestyle modifications are only two of the many things that your Treken Primary Care providers can help with. Wellness visits focus on making positive changes that can help you feel your best.
Many patients start a new exercise routine, diet, or supplement plan on their own. But even over-the-counter supplements and seemingly harmless diets can affect your body in ways that you didn’t anticipate. So it’s wise to check with your Treken Primary Care team to make sure it’s actually a healthy choice before getting started.
For wellness visits with enthusiastic and caring providers, call Treken Primary Care or click the online booking tool now.
Preventive Medicine
Preventive Medicine Specialist
Treken Primary Care
Primary Care Practice and Family Medicine Located in Atlanta, GA
At Treken Primary Care in Atlanta, the supportive team takes preventive medicine seriously. They offer a wide range of services to identify and treat health problems before they become severe. From lifestyle modifications to Pap smears and prostate screenings, Treken Primary Care helps you stay healthy now and for your entire life. To make an appointment with one of our providers, book it by phone.

Preventive Medicine Q&A
There are several preventive care measures specific to women, including:
- Pap Smear: Cervical Cancer Screening Test
- Mammogram: Breast Cancer Screening Test
- Clinical Breast Exam: Manual Exam to Check for Breast Abnormalities
- HPV Immunization: Immunization to Prevent Certain Types of Cancer
Your Treken Primary Care provider typically performs both a pelvic exam and a clinical breast exam during your annual women’s health checkup.
Preventive screening with Pap smears and mammograms happens on a regular basis, and how often is based on your age and possibly other factors. Your care provider assesses your cancer risk to determine the right Pap smear and mammogram schedule for you.
The ideal time for HPV immunization is age 11-12, but you can also get it as an adult, based on your care provider’s recommendations.
Men’s preventive health care should include prostate cancer screenings, typically starting sometime between ages 40 and 50. Prostate cancer screening can include a blood test, a digital rectal exam, or both.
Men can also get HPV immunizations to prevent penile, anal, and other kinds of cancer that affect men. The immunization is recommended for children around age 11-12, but men can receive the vaccine as an adult, too.
Colorectal cancer screening usually starts at age 45 for both men and women who are at average risk for this type of cancer. But you might need to start before then if you have a personal history of cancer. Screening can be done through a special kind of stool test or through a colonoscopy, a test in which a gastroenterologist views your colon and rectum through a small flexible scope.
Most patients only need a colonoscopy every 10 years. But you could need more frequent colonoscopies if precancerous polyps were removed during your last colonoscopy.
Lifestyle modifications are often a major part of a preventive health plan. Maintaining excellent whole-body health reduces your risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and other chronic diseases and conditions.
The Treken Primary Care team partners with you on your health journey. Their assistance with lifestyle modifications includes nutrition guidance, exercise recommendations, and help with losing weight or quitting smoking.
Get the best preventive medical care in Atlanta by calling Treken Primary Care or clicking the online appointment tool now.

Men's Health
Men's Health Specialist
Treken Primary Care
Primary Care Practice and Family Medicine Located in Atlanta, GA
At Treken Primary Care in Atlanta, Georgia, the providers encourage men to take care of their health, including coming in for checkups and preventive care. The caring team offers comprehensive men’s health care, including prostate screenings and help for erectile dysfunction, to help you enjoy whole-body wellness. Call the office to book your appointment today.
Men's Health Q&A
Your Treken Primary Care provider customizes an exam schedule for you. Most men need annual men’s health exams, but if you suffer from chronic health problems or develop new health issues, you might need more frequent checkups.
Your men’s health exam is a comprehensive evaluation that can cover everything normally included in an annual physical. Additionally, men’s health visits focus on male-specific concerns like prostate problems and erectile dysfunction.
If you suffer from chronic conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, your Treken Primary Care provider can monitor your condition and make any necessary changes to your treatment plan during your men’s health checkup.
It depends on your age, health history, and your family history of prostate cancer. Healthy men with no significant risk factors generally start prostate cancer screenings at around age 50, but you might need to begin screenings as early as age 40 if you’re at risk. Your Treken Primary Care provider recommends a personalized prostate cancer screening schedule for you.
Prostate cancer screening typically includes a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, a digital rectal exam, or both. Your Treken Primary Care provider can perform a quick check of your prostate during your annual men’s health checkup and you can have the blood test done soon thereafter.
Erectile dysfunction, which can include difficulty achieving an erection, struggling to maintain an erection, or both, is a very common problem. In fact, 15-30 million men have this condition.
Although it can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem, there’s no need to struggle with erectile dysfunction long term. Your Treken Primary Care provider can customize your treatment for erectile dysfunction according to its underlying cause. Many men benefit from lifestyle changes, oral medication, testosterone replacement therapy, or other treatments.
No matter what your health concerns and problems might be, the Treken Primary Care team can help you with preventive lifestyle changes to improve your current health and well-being. Just use the online appointment maker or call the office to schedule your men’s health appointment today.
Thyroid Disease
Thyroid Disease Specialist
Treken Primary Care
Primary Care Practice and Family Medicine Located in Atlanta, GA
About 20 million Americans have some type of thyroid disease, which can cause a variety of symptoms and ongoing issues. The Treken Primary Care team helps patients in Atlanta, Georgia to manage thyroid conditions for optimal health. Call the office to book your appointment for ongoing management of your thyroid disease.

Thyroid Disease Q&A
Thyroid conditions affect the small butterfly-shaped thyroid gland at the bottom of your neck. Your thyroid gland produces two different hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The hormones are crucial for metabolism regulation, so when you make too much or too little of them, it can cause some serious health problems.
Symptoms can vary according to the disease. The most common symptoms of hypothyroidism, in which your body makes too little thyroid hormone, often include:
- Weight Gain
- Always Feeling Cold
- Chronic Fatigue
- Constipation
- Memory Problems
- Brittle Hair and Nails
In hyperthyroidism, in which your body overproduces thyroid hormone, you may experience:
- Weight Loss
- Feeling Overheated Often
- Sweating Profusely
- Rapid Heartbeat
- Agitation or Nervousness
- Tremors
If you have a number of these symptoms that indicate thyroid disease, get in touch with the Treken Primary Care team so you can come in for an assessment.
Your care provider talks with you about your symptoms to evaluate what kind of thyroid disease you may have. During your physical exam, they ask you to swallow so they can check the thyroid gland movement visually. They also palpate your lower neck to feel your thyroid gland and check its size. You have a blood test to check the levels of thyroid hormones in your blood to help them make a diagnosis.
If you have hypothyroidism, your provider prescribes thyroid hormone replacement medication. After you’re on the medication for a while, they recheck your thyroid hormone levels with another blood test to make sure your levels are optimal. They adjust your medication dose until your thyroid hormones are balanced, your symptoms are relieved, and you feel well.
If you have hyperthyroidism, you may be prescribed a medication that prevents the gland from making too much hormone. If it doesn't respond to medication, you may be given radioactive iodine to render the gland inactive so it can’t overproduce hormones. In some cases, surgery to remove part or all of your thyroid gland may be needed.
Thyroid disease is a chronic but very treatable condition, and your Treken Primary Care providers can help you manage the condition for the long term. To make an appointment, call the office or click the online scheduler now.